Acupuncture for Painful Periods: A Holistic Approach


When you hear about a holistic approach, images of nature or meditating on a mountaintop might come to mind. But what does holistic really mean? According to Oxford Languages online dictionary, holistic medicine is

characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness”.

In our clinic, we strive to take this approach when helping people with painful periods (dysmenorrhea, in medical parlance). The primary method we use to help is of course acupuncture- and generally we see patients weekly, throughout the month as a means of improving overall health and emphasizing prevention as it’s not always possible for patients to come in for acupuncture as their cramps are peaking.

Additionally, we utilize other Traditional East Asian Medicine (EAM) therapies such as moxibustion, sometimes cupping, heat therapy and herbal medicine.

However helpful these methods are, we would be negligent in not taking the time to discuss many other factors with our patients, including the mental and emotional toll of living with painful periods, how it affects their ability to work or go to school, socialize and work out. Over many weeks of working with patients at their acupuncture treatments, we take the time to discuss these factors and brainstorm things you can do to support yourself.

Painful periods, whether or not they are due to a known cause (endometriosis or fibroids, for example) usually require a team approach when they are severe enough to impact someone’s ability to function. Finding a gynecologist who won’t dismiss your pain and is willing to investigate further is of primary importance. Then, other “team members” such as an acupuncturist, pelvic floor physical therapist, registered dietician and/or mental health professional may play an important role. However, we mustn’t forget the importance of your day to day support- surrounding yourself with supportive and understanding friends and family and co-workers (including bosses and teachers) and potentially a support group (there are many out there specifically for this).

As one member of my patients’ healthcare support “team”, I wanted to give a quick sampling of how we can help.A few of our favorite EAM-specific tips for painful periods are detailed below.


  1. Warmth- In East Asian Medicine, warmth is something you build and nourish all month long, not just during your periods. Using a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower back or lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes daily as well as keeping the abdominal area covered and warm are easy ways of doing this.
  2. Acupressure to Spleen 6- See this YouTube video describing how to locate this point. Apply pressure for 2-5 minutes daily in the weeks leading up to your period as well as during. Adjust the amount of pressure and the technique you use based on how it makes you feel, in that moment.
  3. Liver Gummies Self-Massage- I learned this technique from one of my favorite teachers, the amazing Claudia Citkovitz. For this technique, first apply any type of lotion or massage oil to your inner shin, and then use your thumb to search out any “gummies” along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia). Use firm pressure to focus on massaging these gummies until they start to feel a bit softer. You can find them anywhere between the ankle up to just below the knee. This pathway is along the liver meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has a close connection and direct effect on the pelvic region. As with the above point, you can adjust the amount of pressure and the technique you use based on how it makes you feel, in that moment.

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Heat Therapy In Chinese Medicine

Heat is an essential component of the therapeutic recommendations of Chinese Medicine. In order for our bodies to function optimally, we need warmth and proper circulation. Without it, cold sets in and circulation becomes sluggish. Whenever I meet a patient with signs of internal cold, I recommend a variety of ways they can build heat (also called yang energy) to feel better. Read more

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Eating Seeds? Yes! Seed Cycling? Not so much.

What is Seed Cycling?

I remember first hearing about seed cycling over 10 years ago as a new acupuncturist. The idea of seed cycling is that you can eat different seeds at different parts of your cycle to optimize your hormone balance. Which seed depends on the unique micronutrients in each one, with certain seeds thought to balance estrogen in the follicular phase (before ovulation) and balance progesterone levels in the luteal phase (after ovulation). The concept of being able to truly use your food as medicine and take control of your own health is really appealing of course! Who wouldn’t want a DIY answer to things like irregular cycles, painful periods, or other hormonal symptoms like premenstrual bloating and acne? Not to mention a little help with fertility?

Seed cycling seems to have surged in popularity on social media, so I wanted to take some time to really dig into the research to see if this is worth doing. Also, as a practitioner of East Asian Medicine (TCM), I am excited to discuss our medicine’s view of seeds and how they’re used, as well as some information on how our medicine would approach hormonal health at different phases of the cycle. Read more

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Living With the Seasons: Spring and the Wood Element

Each of the 5 elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine has an associated season, organ, color, flavor and even emotion. You can live in greater harmony with the natural world by learning a little about each season, and it becomes easier to notice the connections between what you’re feeling and what’s going on in nature.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Wood element is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder organs and springtime.

Wood possesses qualities of movement and growth, new ideas, creativity and inspiration.

Signs your Wood Element is balanced:

– You are feeling creative, inspired and excited to start new projects and do a little planning for the future
– Your muscles feel relaxed and you’re feeling loose and flexible. Emotionally, you’re also relaxed and flexible, and the little things aren’t irritating you Read more

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Perinatal Acupuncture Research Summaries Project

Have you ever wondered what the research says about acupuncture for issues during pregnancy like back pain, anxiety, morning sickness or moxibustion for turning a breech baby? And what about safety- is there any research on this?

With so much information at your fingertips, it can be really overwhelming to tell what is based on good research or expert opinion, and what is misinformation or the casual opinion of a social media influencer. I’ve created a free guide to help you cut through all the noise and give solid, research backed information about each topic. I hope this will save you time and aggravation, and help you feel clear and purposeful in the decisions you make for yourself during pregnancy. Read more