Posts Categorized: Herbal Medicine

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Heat Therapy In Chinese Medicine

Heat is an essential component of the therapeutic recommendations of Chinese Medicine. In order for our bodies to function optimally, we need warmth and proper circulation. Without it, cold sets in and circulation becomes sluggish. Whenever I meet a patient with signs of internal cold, I recommend a variety of ways they can build heat (also called yang energy) to feel better. Read more

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Ginger Three Ways: Making Crystallized Ginger, Ginger Tea and Syrup

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginger is one of the most commonly used “herbs” in our toolkit. In this article, I’ll teach you what it can help with as well as some information about how it’s viewed from a Chinese Herbal standpoint. And as promised, I’ll give you a quick explanation for how to make your own crystallized ginger at home, which will also give you ginger tea and syrup. So. delicious.

As an acupuncturist and herbalist, here are the situations where I recommend ginger tea the most frequently: Read more

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How The Wisdom of Chinese Medicine Can Help You Optimize Your Cycles

When your hormones are functioning and coordinating really well, you know it. Your skin is great, there’s no bloating, your periods come on time and are not a big deal. But when things are off balance? It can impact you in a big way.

Below, I’ve outlined what I feel are the most important concepts for helping your hormones to hum along like a well-oiled machine. None of these concepts are particularly groundbreaking, but they are each absolutely vital. Pick one or two suggestions from this article (not everything at once- too overwhelming!), focus on them for a few months then see how it feels. Last of all, show yourself compassion when you’re trying to make shifts in your habits- nobody expects you to adhere to these concepts 100% of the time, and remember that when making changes it’s NORMAL and EXPECTED not to! Shoot for 80% of the time and this will still be a huge change.

Know Your Cycles

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You Can’t JUST Get Rid of Your Hot Flashes: Why A Holistic Approach Is Better During Perimenopause

When I set out to write this article, I intended to pick one symptom of perimenopause and give tips on managing it. But then I thought, “You can’t just pick one symptom and  get rid of it alone. What women need is help with minimizing hormonal fluctuations so that ALL of the symptoms improve”.

So that’s what I’m doing in this article. It’s not a totally exhaustive guide to all herbal remedies or possible treatments, but I’ll give you ideas that are easy to implement, that are backed by studies and that will help you now as well as 5 years down the road. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is always an option from your doctor, but for some women it doesn’t make sense and others would prefer to avoid medications.  These ideas are a holistic approach to hormone-balancing and can help you feel like yourself again. Read more

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5 Ways To Naturally Treat and Prevent BV and Yeast Infections

Over the years I’ve seen many patients who get recurrent BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) Infections and/or Yeast Infections. BV is actually much more common, making up the majority of all vaginal infections. It can be asymptomatic in many cases, but can also result in unusual discharge or a fishy odor. Yeast Infections are an overgrowth of Candida albicans yeast. They make up only 33% of all vaginal infections. The major symptoms are clumpy white discharge, itching, pain and irritation during sex. It is very important that neither type of infection go untreated- both can lead to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), increased susceptibility to STD’s, and in pregnancy, untreated BV can result in pre-term birth and low birth weight.  Read more