Posts Categorized: Fertility

Why you should avoid NSAIDs while TTC

If you are someone who reaches for over the counter pain relievers occasionally, you should know that they very well may be impacting your ability to ovulate normally. This is a little-known fertility fact: taking NSAIDs (such as Advil, Motrin, aspirin, Excedrin and Aleve) has been shown to cause LUFS, or luteinizing unruptured follicule syndrome.  This just means that the egg matures in the ovary but doesn’t get released even though it is ready. The other possibility with taking NSAIDs is that the egg’s release is delayed- by on average 5 days, during which it continues to grow. This “over-ripens” the egg, making its quality less than ideal. One study also showed decreased progesterone levels- which is important for proper implantation and lining development. Read more

Ask the Expert: Cornell Fertility Specialist Dr. David Reichman

When you were younger, you spent a lot of time and energy trying NOT to get pregnant.  But now that the time is right, what if it’s not happening as quickly as you hoped? Or what if you are in your mid- thirties and still haven’t met Mr. or Mrs. Right, or this just isn’t the time for a baby?

This is where a fertility specialist called a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) comes in. I’m excited to have had the chance to interview Dr. David Reichman of The Center for Reproductive Medicine at Weill Cornell’s Tribeca office. Dr. Reichman not only has an impressive bio (click here to read), but strikes me as a warm and compassionate person who is genuinely excited about his work and cares about his patients. He wants his patients to understand their treatments- so much so, that Dr. Reichman has a flat screen TV connected to his office’s computer in order to pull up pictures and diagrams, more effectively explaining procedures, medications and statistics (I know I always learn more easily with pictures).  Why don’t all doctors do that? Read more

“On Waiting”- a guest post by Dr Shara Brofman, Psy.D.

Pregnancy testOn Waiting

By Shara M. Brofman, Psy.D.

Preparing for the arrival of a child involves a lot of waiting. Waiting at the doctor’s office. Waiting for the little line on the at-home test. Waiting on the blood work and the numbers. Waiting for the first ultrasounds. Waiting to learn the sex. Waiting to reach full-term. Waiting for labor to start. Waiting to hear the cry. Or, waiting on the adoption papers. Waiting to see if the agency or donor or carrier will come through. Waiting to learn how many eggs were retrieved. How many embryos will be okay to transfer. How many will stay put. Holding our breath while we wait. Read more

Book Review: It Starts With the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF by Rebecca Fett

There is so much information out there for women with premature ovarian failure that it can be overwhelming at times. Which supplements really help? What does the research say?

Author and researcher Rebecca Fett has completed the arduous task of sifting through all the research and summarizing it for you in her wonderful new book.  I highly recommend it as a comprehensive, reliable and well-researched source of information on what women can do to optimize egg quality.  Whether you are preparing to start trying to conceive naturally or starting your fourth round of IVF, this is a must-read. Read more

Part 3 of 3: CoQ10 for Improving Egg Quality

Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10, is an antioxidant which could improve egg quality in women with high FSH or of advanced maternal age. It’s believed to help through its effect on the mitochondria, which is a part of the cell involved in energy production and proper cell division (in this case, that cell is the egg). As cells age, researchers believe the mitochondria isn’t able to produce enough energy for proper cellular division, resulting in abnormal eggs or chromosomal abnormalities. The hypothesis is that by supplementing with CoQ10 the egg has more energy and is able to once again properly function and divide. Read more