Posts Categorized: Research and Studies

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Struggling To Kick The Caffeine Habit? Here’s How…

Over the summer, I accidentally got hooked on coffee. I didn’t even realize it until the first day I didn’t have any. I vowed to cut it out by the end of the summer, strictly because I didn’t like being reliant on something. In situations where a cup of coffee is difficult to get (camping), I didn’t want to deal with the headache (literally!) of not having it. Plus, I like the idea of having coffee as an occasional treat or energy boost when I really need it, as opposed to something I feel terrible without.

Is caffeine really so bad for you? It depends.. Read more

Why you should avoid NSAIDs while TTC

If you are someone who reaches for over the counter pain relievers occasionally, you should know that they very well may be impacting your ability to ovulate normally. This is a little-known fertility fact: taking NSAIDs (such as Advil, Motrin, aspirin, Excedrin and Aleve) has been shown to cause LUFS, or luteinizing unruptured follicule syndrome.  This just means that the egg matures in the ovary but doesn’t get released even though it is ready. The other possibility with taking NSAIDs is that the egg’s release is delayed- by on average 5 days, during which it continues to grow. This “over-ripens” the egg, making its quality less than ideal. One study also showed decreased progesterone levels- which is important for proper implantation and lining development. Read more