Posts Categorized: Pregnancy

Acupuncture for Breech Babies

Pregnant womanI recently participated in a webinar about acupuncture and moxibustion for turning breech babies. I had the honor of hearing from internationally recognized experts in this field including Debra Betts, Ineke Van Den Berg, Sarah Budd, and Becks Armstrong. For those of you who aren’t familiar, moxibustion involves burning an herb called Mugwort, or Artemisia Vulgaris. The herb can be placed directly on the skin or compressed into a cylinder shape and held a few inches from the skin until warmth is felt. The goal is to invigorate blood and warm the body. Read more

So you’re expecting.. now what?

Many women who I see in my office are thrilled to be pregnant but at the same time overwhelmed by all the preparation that needs to be completed before baby arrives. Re-usable or disposable diapers? How is a crib going to fit in my apartment? And what on earth is a Boppy and why does everyone tell me I need one? Enter Jessica Glorieaux of Motherburg. Read more